We went hiking again this weekend. This time, we went to central Switzerland to a place a little south of Interlaken, which we wrote about last week. Travis' boss Robert was taking his three-year-old son to Interlaken and so we hitched a ride with him, and Rick Steves (the author of our Switzerland guide book) tipped us off about a hike from a little non-touristy town named Gimmewald. We had to take a lift up to Gimmewald, and it did seem like a fairly down to earth little village; at least all of the houses were made of unpainted wood.
The first stretch of our hike was difficult. We walked up what seemed to be a 45 degree incline for about an hour, and to make matters worse there was very little of a view to make us feel better about our sweat-drenched shirts and complaining lungs. But after that first hour, we realized it was worth it. Well, more accurately, after we passed the bulls that were guarding the path, standing right on our path looking straight at us, and demanding that we answer them these questions three (I got one wrong and Travis rescued me from the Gorge of Eternal Peril, but that's a different story for a different time), we were allowed to pass and we realized it was worth it. And here's why: we reached a high point called Tanzebödeli where we could see out over the fertile valley with its quaint mountain villages and across the valley to three looming white-peaked mountans and two lively water falls, and it was breathtaking. Well, it would have been if the difficult climb hadn't already taken my breath.
Our trip down the other side of the mountain was much easier and we had a good view of Schmadribachfall nearly the entire way down. That's the big waterfall in the pictures. And that was our first trip to the Berner Oberland. We fully plan on going again soon, and you can be sure that when we do, we'll take even more pictures.
"Those are some nice pictures." And just so you know, I read the blog first before I looked at the pics...that's just the kind of girl I am.
Next time go up the way you came down .just did that hike from the floor of valley up and it was 100% nicer than the way we went down( which is how you went up )
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