Monday, July 23, 2007

this weekend's non-adventure

are you ready for this
we wrote you a rhyme
we’ll make this quick
it won’t take much time

we thought we should ‘splain
why we have nary a pic
why we didn’t go adventuring
or follow guidebook Rick

the forecast called
for clouds and some rain
so here in our room
we thought we should remain

the dark angry clouds
began their Saturday pour
the hall window was open
you shoulda seen the wet floor

someone forgot it
he wasn’t using his head
but he paid the price
with some saturated bread

we stayed in our room
and were quite content
watching the clouds
as projectiles were sent

thunder shook the house
and bright lightning flashed
by then our hopes for a hike
had long since been dashed

we might have been fine
on Sunday afternoon
but after the rain
we felt it was too soon

one weekend at home
is considered a rest
but if there are no more
that would be best


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad with the poetry!