Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Today is already Tuesday, which means we are at least two days late posting our weekly weekend blog. The reason behind this is simply that we chose not to create an adventure this weekend, so there is nothing epic to write about. However, it would be a travesty to deprive our loyal readers of a passage to read, so I want to write something. And, since my remaining time in Switzerland is now being counted in hours rather than days, weeks, or months, I thought this would be a good opportunity to jot down some of my reflections on this summer.

Now that I sit down to write my reflections though, I seem to be at a loss. We travelled quite a bit, hiked on a fair share of mountains, and saw a fair share of nature. I lived with my brother for the first time in probably eight years, I worked full time from my apartment, and I read more than a handful of books. I did some common things and I had some new experiences. But still, I can not say that I feel any different or that there are any huge life lessons that I will take away from this place. Or maybe I should say, there are no huge life lessons that I can take away from this place right now. What I discovered after my trip to the Netherlands is that, after living there for a couple months, I simply became accustomed to most things, and it was not until I was home again that the things I learned an experienced began to manifest themselves in various ways. I hope things will be similar this time around.

I do know this, though. Living in a different country, experiencing different cultures and attitudes, seeing new sights, and all of the other wonderful things about travelling are great and I am truly thankful for the chance I had to live in Switzerland this summer. At the same time, coming home after a long trip is also an awesome experience. Even though my time in Switzerland has been awesome and I will miss this place dearly, I am still overjoyed to be counting my remaining time in hours rather than days, weeks, or months. I hope to see you really soon!

1 comment:

darin said...

Bryan, welcome back.

And Trav, how much more time do you have there?